There’s something so absolutely magical about a Lancaster lifestyle newborn session, especially when it’s for a repeat client. When I walked into this family’s home and they led me to the baby’s room, I so quickly remembered being there just 20 months before documenting their first baby’s in home newborn session as well.
Now to see him as the big brother to their sweet new baby boy, it was such a beautiful moment. They swapped rooms for the baby and he was sleeping in the same crib and same bedroom as his big brother. As a mama, I know how sweet those moments are and bittersweet all at the same time because it’s a sign your first baby may not be such a baby anymore (even though we all know whether it’s your first or your fifth, they’ll always be your sweet baby.)

Capturing a family in their home is truly a special time. Watching big brother sit and read books with his mama while dad tended to baby brother, snuggling together on mom & dad’s bed, and all the moments in between — these are the moments that make life so special!
The best part about an in home newborn session is the fact that you don’t have to go anywhere! No stressing about feeding the baby, getting them into a carseat, or making it anywhere on time. Add in a second kid and that idea of being on time anywhere is completely out the window! Instead you get to hire a photographer (me) to show up to you! And if you’re not quite ready when I arrive, it’s no stress!!

Most of Archie’s in home newborn session took place in the comfort of his baby nursery. The warm tones of his Caden Lane crib sheet mixed perfectly with the greens of his wall. And how cute is that name banner hanging up there?! Another perk of hiring Kate McCord Photography? I brought along his precious little outfit since most of his newborn clothes were way too big for him and this fit perfectly!
Big brother was free to be his toddler self. Although we asked him to sit still for a few photos, most of the time he was free to be himself and interact naturally with his baby brother and parents. Mom and dad were absolute pros and definitely knew a lot of secrets they learned along the way being 2nd time parents.

Because what you’ll find is that when you let kids be comfortable and be themselves, that’s where the majority of the magic happens. We can prompt and pose and plan all day long, but truly toddlers have minds of their own. When we allow them to explore and interact naturally, we capture the true essence of the moment!

And finally, what lifestyle newborn session would be complete without including your family pet? Pets play such an important role in our day to day lives and including them in our photos helps tell the story of our family. And long after our pets pass and our children are grown, we can look back fondly on the memories and recall the place they made in our homes and our hearts.

Preparing for Your Lifestyle Newborn Session with a Professional Newborn Photographer
As a parent-to-be, there isn’t too much to do in planning your Lancaster lifestyle newborn photos especially if you hire a photographer like Kate McCord Photography. When it comes to in home, lifestyle newborrn photos in Lancaster, all you need to do is open the door. I’ll bring the outfits for baby, the patience, and expertise to turn your moments into timeless heirlooms. To learn more, contact my photography studio.